
Dec 30, 2020

The Last Breath


Warning : Triggering

POV from 20171209 - 20171218


Tribute to Kim Jonghyun

1990,0408 - 2017,1218



I cried out loud in silence

I struggled each day to breathe..

I covered my pain with laughter

while memories crushed my being...

I was dead long before dying...

a corpse who knew how to sing...

An idol loved by others

a love that was not meant for me...

Tell me I did well, im tired

as i want no longer to exist

exhausted from this world that is on fire

my soul longs to be set free

The lights, the faces, the fan chanting

are slowly fading away

while i submerge in a deep absence

on this.... my final stage...

Will you remember me? I wonder

would things had been different if I stayed?

Questions that will remain unanswered

Answers that I hoped I heard one day...

Goodbye my love, my soulmate

You were the locket for my key

It was painful to let go and not have you

I guess we were not meant to be

Will someone hold me? im leaving

Will someone cry 2 tears for me?

Is this the end? or the beginning

send me off and smile for me...

An original poem by   

SK Moon